While the family was back home in the states during the month of December, I signed up for a bus trip to the Christmas Markets in Dusseldorf, Germany. Christmas Markets are a big deal in Germany and usually last for about 4 weeks. Dusseldorf had 6 or 7 different markets but most of them offered similar products. Some stalls offered handmade German products but many stalls just offered cheap products made in China or India. The baked almonds and fried mashed potatoes were great and many people enjoyed the gluhwein.
Representation of the demographics of the bus (stock photo). Myself and another co-worker were 2 of the 3 guys on the trip.
Many of the stalls had traditional German Christmas decorations including the rauchermaan (incense smokers) pictured below.
One of the more talented vendors.

An over sized Christmas pyramid.

During most of the day it was pretty wet and chilly, but towards later afternoon it dried up.
My Schweinsaxe (pork knuckle), it was as good as it looks.
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